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Get outta town!

State signed routes that don't cross a town line:

Route what?

Old (but post-1932) Connecticut route numbers no longer used for state roads:

But what about the 1920s?

Before 1932, there were dozens of routes whose numbers aren't used now:

170, 180, 204, 206, 208, 210, 224, 226, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340, 342, 344, 345, 346, 348, 350, 356, 358, 360, 362, 366, 368.

There might be more I haven't found yet.

You almost need a full tank

Connecticut's a small state, and most of its highways really don't go very far. Here are the longest state roads (mileage in other states included):

No reason to live

The shortest signed state routes:

To tell you, I'd have to kill you

Longest and shortest secret routes:

Not a through street

Most routes have both ends at another numbered route. Here are some signed state routes that "dead end" for one reason or another:

Roads with holes

A few state highways have "gaps" – short sections where the road is maintained by the city, not the state.


Freeways (or mostly freeways) in Connecticut at present:

Roads that have freeway portions:

Roads with very small freewaylike sections:

Roads with freeways once planned in their paths:

Almost Famous

State roads that intersect three or more interstates:

and B's Where there's a will...

Present Connecticut 'A' routes: 2A, 14A, 17A, 71A, 182A

Connecticut also has special Routes A and B.

Hey Brother!

Pairs of consecutive state routes that intersect:

Consecutive junctions in the past:

No, we're gonna use it. Just leave it where it is.

These stretches of road were completed years before they opened to traffic:

New route changed, old one did not

Some stretches of former state highway ("Old Route X") did not change names when new Route X changed numbers:

The unique, the most/least, and the weird

Routes the state discarded (or could not)

The 1961 route reclassification plan involved turning over many state routes to local maintenance. The state was able to get rid of some, but not all, as the affected towns pressed for arbitration.

What others have said...

"We finish no freeway before its time."

Benjamin F. Bunnell, student, UMass

"He Who Is Transplanted [Kurumi], Sustains [the CT Roads site]"

Matt "JVincent" Steffora, original webmaster of North Carolina Highways