  • Length 3.67 miles
  • From US 5 in South Windsor
  • To Route 30 in South Windsor

Route 194, also known as Sullivan Avenue, resides entirely within South Windsor. The east-west portion of the route follows a grid that was laid out when agriculture dominated; Governor's Highway and Pleasant Valley Road are other examples. The layout resembles the "eleven o'clock roads" found in Weston (see Route 57).

Route 194 is four lanes wide near its termini at US 5 and Route 30.

CT 194 History

Commissioned in 1932, Route 194 was originally a block longer, since US 5 followed Main Street at the time. John Fitch Boulevard, the newer four-lane US 5, opened in 1940.

In 1996, the state proposed widening Route 194; one of the alternatives was even a four-lane boulevard. However, no widening has been done. In 1998, the intersection at Ayers and Graham road was improved for safety reasons.

CT 194 More...

Across US 5 from Route 194 is Ferry Lane, leading to the landing of the former Bissell's Ferry (and across the Connecticut River, Bissell's Ferry Road in Windsor). This was the oldest ferry (1648) in the United States, but is no longer operating. The nation's oldest continuously operating ferry (except for winter closures) is on Route 160.

CT 194 Kurumi Suggests

Extend Route 194 south along Buckland Road to I-84 in Manchester. The idea is not original; in 1995, local officials requested adding Buckland Road to the state highway system. It was widened to four lanes at about the same time.

CT 194 Sources